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New Hebrides
Compagnie Agricole & Minière des Nouvelles Hébrides
Price €40.00Share of 100F - Paris 1926
Jewett Typewriter Company
Price €30.00Certificate for 4 ordinary shares of $5 each - Des Moines, Polk County (Iowa) 1903
Jewett Typewriter Company
Price €35.00Certificate for 4 preference shares of $5 each - Des Moines, Polk County (Iowa) 1903
Lots of bonds
Lot of 15 bonds and shares about Madagascar
Price €50.00Lot of 15 bonds and shares about Madagascar - from 1895 to 1961
''La France d'Outre-Mer'' by Guy Cifré (France of Overseas) - HARD COVER
Price €20.00Reference Book of the bonds and shares of the French Colonial Empire.
''La France d'Outre-Mer'' by Guy Cifré (France of Overseas)
Price €15.00Reference Book of the bonds and shares of the French Colonial Empire.
United Printers and Publishers Inc.
Price €10.00Certificate of 100 Shares of 1$ each, cancelled - Delaware 1937
United Printers and Publishers Inc.
Price €10.00Cert. of Shares of 1$ each - Cancelled - Delaware 1942
Compagnie Franco-Allemande d'Emigration et de Colonisation en Amérique (Virginia), sous la raison Dutot, Hartmann et Cie.
Price €450.00Share of 100F - Paris 1856
Sté Nouvelle d'Impressions en Couleurs (Exploitation des Brevets Lesage)
Price €45.00Privileged Share of 100F - Bruxelles 1899
Sté Nouvelle d'Impressions en Couleurs (Exploitation des Brevets Lesage)
Price €40.00Ordinary Share - Bruxelles 1899
Sté Coloniale Agricole & Minière (SCAM)
Price €10.00Cert. of 5 Shares of 100F - Paris 1947
Sté Coloniale Agricole & Minière (SCAM)
Price €10.00Certificate of 10 shares of 100F - Paris 1947
Colonial trade
Cie Bordelaise des Comptoirs Africains. 1918
Price €20.00Share of 100F - Bordeaux 1918
Colonial trade
Cie Bordelaise des Comptoirs Africains. 1918
Price €20.00Share of 100F - Bordeaux 1918
Ivory Coast
Etablissements Pozzo di Borgo (1921)
Price €180.00Cerificate of 5 shares of 100F each - Marseille 1921
Capital 3 million francs
Ivory Coast
Etablissements Pozzo di Borgo (1913)
Price €150.00Founder share - Marseille 1913
Capital 2.2 million francs.
Etablissements Pozzo di Borgo (1913)
Price €60.00Share of 100F - Marseille 1913
Capital 2.2 million francs
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Société Française d'Obock & du Golfe Persique
Price €125.00Share of 100 F - Paris 1881