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Chinese bonds
The Chinese Government 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (Russo-Asiatic Bank). 20£. With Form TFEL-2 dated 1941
Price €550.005% Gold Bond of £20 or 189,40 Rbl or 505F - Issued by Russo-Asiatic Bank 1913
With Form TFEL-2 dated 1941 ("bluebird")
Imperial Chinese Government. 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan 1911 (Indo-China Bank)
Price €600.005% Bond for £100 - Signed by the Chinese Minister in Paris and the Chinse Business Manager in Paris in 1913
Countersigned by the Bank of Indo-China.
Old documents
Lung-Tsing-U-Haï Railway - Government of the Chinese Republic - Gold Loan 5% ("Super Petchili") - Coupons
Price €50.00Sheet of Coupons of 5% Gold Bond of £20 - Brussels 1913
[ Coupons only ]
Lung-Tsing-U-Haï Railway - Government of the Chinese Republic - Gold Loan 5% ("Super Petchili")
Price €650.005% Gold Bond of £20 - Brussels 1913
No coupon
Lung-Tsing-U-Haï Railway - Government of the Chinese Republic - Gold Loan 5% - SPECIMEN
Price €1,500.005% Gold Bond of £20 - Brussels 1913
Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai - Gouvernement de la République Chinoise - Bon du Trésor 8% 1920. Without coupon
Price €70.00Treasury Bond 8% of 500F - Brussels 1920
Without coupons
Imperial Chinese Government. 5% Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (Indo-China Bank) VF/EF
Price €400.005% Bond of £20 - issued in Paris, signed by the Chinese Business Manager in Paris in 1913.
Countersigned by the Indo-China Bank in Paris.
Imperial Chinese Government. 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan 1911 (Indo-China Bank) With FORM-TFEL-2 ("bluebird")
Price €1,900.005% Bond for £100 - Signed by the Chinese Minister in Paris and the Chinse Business Manager in Paris in 1913
Countersigned by the Bank of Indo-China.
VERY RARE: With pasted on the bond at the top left the form TFEL-2 dated 1940 ("bluebird").
Chinese Government. Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Loan 1907
Price €35.00Fractional Scrip Certificate for one-third of a Funding Bond of £11 - London 1938
Imperial Chinese Government. 5% Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank)
Price €600.005% Gold Bond of 20£ - London 1911.
Coutersigned by Hongkong and Shangai Banking Corporation in London.
Rare (2500)
Imperial Chinese Government. 5% Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (Deutsch-Asiatische Bank)
Price €480.005% Bond of £20 - Seal and signed by the Chinese Minsiter in London in 1911.
Countersigned by the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank.
Imperial Chinese Government. 5% Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (Indo-China Bank). VF
Price €350.005% Bond of £20 - issued in Paris, signed by the Chinese Business Manager in Paris in 1913.
Countersigned by the Indo-China Bank in Paris.
Imperial Chinese Government - Chinese 5% Gold Loan 1903
Price €90.005% Gold Bond of 500F - Brussels 12 April 1905
Imperial Chinese Government - 5% Gold Chinese Loan 1903
Price €130.005% Bond of 500F - Brussels 25 April 1907
Shanghai-Nanking Railway, Issue by the British & Chinese Corporation Ltd
Price €80.00Subcertificate - London 1904
Government of the Chinese Rpublic - Railway Equipment Loan 8% of 1922
Price €120.00Treasury Note for £20 or 1200F - Bruxelles 1922
Chinese Government. Tientsin-Pukow Railway 5% Loans of 1908 and 1910
Price €39.00Fractional Scrip Certificate for 1/3rd of Bond for 12£ - London 1938
5% Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow-Staatseisenbahn-Anleihe 1908. 100£
Price €190.00Bond of £100 - Berlin 1908
Chinese Government Tientsin-Pukow Railway 5% Loans
Price €25.00Fractional Scrip Certificate for one-third of a Funding Bond for £11 - 1908 and 1910
Chinese bonds
Government Province of Petchili - Gold Loan 5.5% of 1913
Price €800.00Bond for 20£ to bearer - Antwerp 1913
National Government of the Republic of China Alied Victory US Dollar Loan 1942
Price €130.00Bond of 20$ 4% - 1953
The Chinese Government - 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (Russo-Asiatic Bank). 20£
Price €350.005% Gold Bond of £20 or 189,40 Rb or 505F - Issued by Russo-Asiatic Bank, 1913
With coupons
Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la République Chinoise - UNC
Price €220.005% Gold Bond of 500F - Paris 1914
Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la République Chinoise - EF
Price €100.00Gold Bond of 500F - Paris 1914
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan 4.5% 1898 (Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank) 100£
Price €300.00Bond of £100 - Hong-Kong & Shanghai Issue - London 1898
Etat VF/EF
Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan of 1908. 100£
Price €300.00Gold Bond of £100 - London 1909