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Andranik M.I have received the item. All good. Thanks.
John M.W.The items have just arrived this morning. Thank you very much - you always provide very good service.
Pip J.Thank you for this very handsome document. I appreciate you having looked after it so well. Kind regards to all of you.
Faith C.Thank you for sending the two packages to me. I would like to let you know that they have arrived safely. Your expert insights are greatly appreciated!
Ben S.Just thought I would let you know that the post scrip arrived today. Thank you very much. I love it.
Peter A.The bond arrived yesterday - well packed and in good shape! Thank you for your kind assistance in this matter.
Other Europeans bonds
Anleihe des Deutschen Reichs 1922, Zweite Ausgabe - 5000 Mark
Price €50.00Bond of 5000 RM - Berlin 1922
Dritte Österreichische Kriegsanleihe 5.5% 1915 (3rd War Loan)
Price €69.005.5% Bond of 2,000 Kronen - Wien 1915
Fundo Externo Portuguez 3.A Série, Titulo Especial Sem Juro (Annulado)
Price €15.00Bond of Réis 30 or 79.34 Florins or 166.67 francs or 6-12-8 Libras - Lisboa 1902
Renta Romana, Datoria Publica Romana 4% - 500 Lei
Price €70.00Certificate of 500 Lei Gold - Bucarest 1929
Capital 21,000,000 Lei
Government of Kingdom of Norway - 3.5% State Gold Loan Norsk 1904 (Norsk 3.5% Staatslaan af 1904)
Price €150.00Bond of 3,5% of 500F (or 360 Cr.) - Christiania 1904
Uncancelled with coupons.
Royal Hungarian Bond 4% 1914 (2,400 Kr)
Price €35.00Bond of 2,400 Crowns or 100£ or 2,040 M or 2,520 F - Budapest 1914
Imperial Russian Government - Russian 4% Gold Loan 6th Issue (1894) 3,125 Rbl
Price €450.00Certificate of 25 4% Gold Bonds of 125 Roubles each or 500F (3,125 Roubles or 12,500 Francs) - St Petersburg 1894
Very rare!
Kingdom of Bulgaria - 7.5 % Stabilisation Loan 1928. With stamps
Price €200.00Bond of £100 - London 1928
With 3 stamps
Reino de Portugal - Junta do Credito Publico - Divida Interna Fundada de 3%
Price €125.00Share of Rs 100$00 - Lisboa 1900
With coupons
Rentes Portugaises Extérieures (by the French Bank Crédit Lyonnais)
Price €15.00Receipt for coupons of 643F - Paris 1893
Divida Externa Portugueza 4,5% 1888-1889
Price €50.00Cautela de minimos de titulos especiaes sem juro - 1902
Anlehen der Commission für Verkehrsanlagen in Wien
Price €20.004% Bond of 2000 Kronen - Vienna 1897
Oesterreichische 3,5% Steuerfreie Staats-Rente-Obligation 2000Kr
Price €35.00Bond of 2000 Krowns - Wien 1897
K. K. Österreichische Staats-Renten-Anleihe (1000Fl)
Price €25.00Bond of 1.000 Gold Gulden - Wien 1876
Junta do Credito Publico - Emprestimo Portuguez de 3% de 1905
Price €170.00Bond of 10 Réis - Lisboa 1905
Imperial Government of Russia - Russian Consolidated 4% Railroad Bonds 1st Issue 1889
Price €15.00Consolidated bond 4% 125 Rbls - St Petersburg 1889
1st Serie - with German red stamp
Imperial Government of Russia - Russian Consolidated 4% Railroad Bonds 1st Issue 1889
Price €15.00Consolidated bond 4% 125 Rbls - St Petersburg 1889
1st Serie - with red stamp Paris 1898
Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai - Gouvernement de la République Chinoise - Bon du Trésor 8% 1920. Without coupon
Price €70.00Treasury Bond 8% of 500F - Brussels 1920
Without coupons
Imperial Government of Russia - Russian Consolidated 4% Railroad Bonds 2nd Issue 1889
Price €250.00Certificate of 10 Bonds of 125 Rbl (1250 Rbl) - St-Petersburg 1889
Moscow-Kiew-Woronesch Railway Company (Moskau-Kiew-Woronesch Eisenbahn Gesellschaft) - 4,5% Loan 1909
Price €50.004.5% Bond of 2,000 Mark - Moscow 1909
Second Issue
3% Staatseisenbahnschuldverschreibung der Cechoslovakischen Republik
Price €95.00Bond of 1000 Kr. - Praze 1928
Kingdom of Yugoslavia - Loan for Road and Railways Construction
Price €50.00Bond of 100 Dinars - Belgrad 1937
Gesellschaft für Strassenbahn im Saartal Saarbrücken
Price €150.00Teilschuldverschreibung über 500Mk - Saarbrücken 1920
4% Loan for Developing Railway in Low-Austria
Price €45.00Bond of 500 Gold Francs - Wien 1911
City of Kieff (Municipal Electric Tramway) - 5% Loan
Price €40.00Certificate for £20 Bond - London 1914
South-West Railway Company - 4% Loan 1885. 500F
Price €20.004% Gold Bond of 125 Rbl or 500F - St Petersburg 1885
Moscow-Kiew-Woronesch Eisenbahn Gesellschaft - 4,5% Loan
Price €20.00Bond of 1000 Mark - Moscow 1909
South-West Railway Company - 4% Loan 1885 (2,500F)
Price €40.00Certificate of 5 4% Bonds of 125 Roubles or 2,500F each - St Petersburg 1885