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Salins du Cap Vert, Ile de Sal (1919)
Price €25.00Share of 100F - Bordeaux 1919
Capital: 1,500,000F
South Africa
The Randfontein Extensions, Limited
Price €20.00Warrant of 5 Shares of £1 each - London 1899
Compagnie Hellénique d'Electricité - Système Thomson-Houston (1907)
Price €40.00Gold Bond of 500F - Athens 1907
Société Générale de Tramways et d'Applications d'Electricité
Price €10.00Share of 250F - Liège 1912
Boston, Clinton, Fitchburg New Bedford Railroad Company
Price €45.00Certificate of 8 shares - Boston 1876
The Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford (Connecticut)
Price €30.00Certificate of Share of 10$ - Hartford (Connecticut) 1953
The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company
Price €30.00Bond of 5000$ - New Haven, Connecticut 1907
Stafford Meadow Coal Iron City Impovement Company of Scranton
Price €85.006% Bond of 100$ - Philadelphia 1858
L'Edison's Kinetoscope Français
Price €250.00Certificate of 5 Shares of 100F each - Brussels 1895
Great Britain
The Fortis Powder & Explosives Co.
Price €45.00Certificate of 5 Shares of 1£ each -1890
Great Britain
London Tin Corporation
Price €15.00Fractional Share Certificate - London around 1908
Series R, 120/240 months
London Tin Corporation, Ltd.
Price €15.00Fractional certificate of Shares of 10/- each - London, around 1908
London Tin Corporation Ltd.
Price €15.00Warrant of 25 Shares of 4 Shillings each - London 1937
Great Britain
The Zenith Carburetter Company, Ltd.
Price €30.00Warrant for 1 "A"Share of 10 Shillings - London 1925
Great Britain
The Zenith Carburetter Company, Ltd.
Price €30.00Certificate of 10 ''A'' shares of 10 Sh. each - London 1916
Great Britain
The Zenith Carburetter Company, Ltd.
Price €30.00Certificate of 10 ''A'' shares of 10 Shillings each - London 1925
Jewett Typewriter Company
Price €30.00Certificate for 4 ordinary shares of $5 each - Des Moines, Polk County (Iowa) 1903
Jewett Typewriter Company
Price €35.00Certificate for 4 preference shares of $5 each - Des Moines, Polk County (Iowa) 1903
Sté d'Exploitations Minières de l'Inini
Price €10.00Cert. of 5 shares of 250 F - Cayenne 1947
Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €35.00Certificate of 5000 Lei (10 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1924