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Great Britain
The Universal Gas Methane and Buisson Hella Company Ltd
Price €15.00Certificate of One Preference Share of 10 Shillings - London 1908
Great Britain
The Universal Gas Methane and Buisson Hella Company Ltd
Price €30.00Certificate of 5 ordinary Shares of 10 Shillings - London 1908
Great Britain
The Universal Gas Methane and Buisson Hella Company Ltd
Price €20.00Certificate of One ordinary Share of 10 Shillings - London 1908
Great Britain
The Universal Gas Methane and Buisson Hella Company Ltd
Price €25.00Certificate of 5 Preference Shares of 1£ (or 25F) each - London 1908
Great Britain
Pachuca Light & Power Co.
Price €12.00Deposit Receipt for £100 5% Bond - Londdon 1916
Lecomte Intensified Gas Light Corp.
Price €35.00Certificate of 50 shares of £1 each - London 1901
L'Alliance - Cie d'Eclairage et de Chauffage au Gaz en France et à l'Etranger, sous la raison Paul Trassy & Cie
Price €45.00Certificate of 5 Shares - Paris 1872
Paris-Ignicole S.A.
Price €40.00Share of 100F - Paris 1906
Signed by founders Ostrowsky and Kornfeld
Compagnie Urbaine d'Eclairage par le Gaz Acétylène
Price €25.003% Bond of 250F - Paris 1905
Compagnie Continentale d'Eclairage & de Chauffage à l'Acétylène GLADIATOR
Price €85.00Certificate of 10 beneficiary shares. Paris 1908
Gillard et Cie, Société en Commandite pour l'Eclairage et le Chauffage au moyen du Gaz Hydrogène Pur
Price €200.00Share of 1000F - Paris 1849
Tramways de Salonique (Compagnie Ottomane par Actions)
Price €95.00Certificate of one 10th of a Share - Salonique 1892
Signed by P. Hammelrath
Braïla - Tramways et Eclairage Electriques S.A.
Price €20.00Capital Share of 500F - Brussels 1929
Compagnie Belge pour les Tramways et l'Eclairage Electriques de Saratov
Price €45.00Capital Share of 100F - Brussels 1905
Compagnie Belge pour les Tramways et l'Eclairage Electriques de Saratov
Price €45.00Dividend share - Brussels 1905
Braïla - Street cars and Electric Light Company
Price €20.00Dividend share - Bruxelles 1929
Compagnie Française de Tramways & d'Eclairage Electriques de Shanghaï
Price €250.00Share of 250F - Shanghaï 1929
Signed by Courcelle
Compagnie Belge pour les Tramways et l'Eclairage Electriques de Saratov
Price €20.004.5% Bond of 500F - Brussels 1907
Compagnie Française de Tramways & d'Eclairage Electriques de Shanghai
Price €55.00Share of 2500F - Paris 1952
Barcelona Traction, Light & Power Company Ltd. (1914)
Price €35.00Certificate of 1 Preference Share Warrant 7% of 100$ Gold - Canada 1914
Pas de Calais 62
L'Eclairage par le Gaz. Léon Arnu & Cie
Price €30.00Bond of 300F - Boulogne-sur-Mer 1912