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Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €35.00Certificate of 5000 Lei (10 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1924
West Indies & Caraibean
Castara Estates Ltd. (Tobago Island)
Price €90.00Certificate of 5 Shares of £1 each - London 1908
Cie Française des Grands Magasins "Aux Trois Sultanes"
Price €45.00Share of 250F - Paris 1928
Haute Garonne 31
Société du Yo-Yo Chocolat Cuit (Ludovic Dardenne)
Price €35.00Share of 500F - Bagneres-de-Luchon (Hte-Garonne) 1912
Agriculture, Food
Etablissements Wander S.A. (Ovomaltine)
Price €60.00Founder share - Paris 1923
Bas Rhin 67
Compagnie Française des Chocolats et des Thés LSchaal & Cie (Chocolates and Teas Company)
Price €55.00Nominative share of 500F - Strasbourg 1927
''Phoscao-Exportation'', Marques Phoscao et Valtine
Price €25.00Share of 100F - Paris 1928
Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €30.00Certificate of 2500 Lei (5 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1923