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Compagnie Minière du Congo Français (Afrique Equatoriale Française)
Price €25.00Certificate of nominative shares - Lyon 1921
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Intercoloniale, SA Coloniale
Price €70.00Lot de 10th of Founder Share Certificates serie A to J - Berberati (A.E.F.) 1945
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Intercoloniale, SA Coloniale
Price €20.00Certificate of 10 Shares of 100F - Berberati (A.E.F.) 1950
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Intercoloniale, SA Coloniale
Price €20.00Share of 100F - Berberati (A.E.F.) 1952
Capital: 100 million FCFA
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Intercoloniale, SA Coloniale
Price €15.00Share of 100F - Berberati (A.E.F.) 1947
S.A. des Etablissements du Val d'Andorre
Price €45.00Certificate of 10 Founder Shares - Paris 1896
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Intercoloniale, SA Coloniale
Price €10.00Share of 2500F C.F.A. - Berberati (A.E.F.)
Sté Anonyme d'Exploitations Minières de l'Oubangui
Price €10.00Share ''B'' of 100 Francs - Paris -
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Ogoué Lobaye
Price €15.00Action de 500F - Berberati 1950
Magyar Altalanos Koszenbanya Reszvenytarsulat
Price €40.00Share of 200 Pengo - Budapest 1926
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Intertropicale
Price €20.00Share of 2500 CFA Francs - Berberati (Central African Republic)
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Sté Minière Intercoloniale, SA Coloniale
Price €15.0010th of Founder Share - Berberati (A.E.F.) 1945
Cie Métallurgique & Minière Franco-Hongroise
Price €20.001/10th of founder share - Paris 1914
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Universal Neptune Cie
Price €10.001/10th of beneficiary share - Djibouti
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Société Minière des Concessions Prasso en Abyssinie
Price €20.00Founder Share - Paris 1926
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Société Minière des Concessions Prasso en Abyssinie
Price €20.00Share of 500F - Paris 1926
Cie Française des Mines de Mercure de Zalathna (Hongrie)
Price €85.00Founder Share - Paris 1891
Magyar Altalanos Köszénbanya Részvénytarsulat (Szénbanyak : Tatan Stb.)
Price €20.00Priority mortgage gold bond of 500F 4.5% - Budapest 1901
Urikany-Zsilvölgyi Magyar Köszénbanya-Részvénytarsasag
Price €15.00Priority monrtgage bond of 400 Kr - Budapest 1905
Urikany-Zsilvölgyi Magyar Köszénbanya-Részvénytarsasag
Price €20.00Certificate of 10 Shares of 5000 crowns each - Budapest 1923