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Coal mines
Stafford Meadow Coal Iron City Impovement Company of Scranton
Price €85.006% Bond of 100$ - Philadelphia 1858
Cie Fse de Charbonnage et de Batelage de Madagascar
Price €55.00Share of 500F - Paris 1898
The Buttery Hatch (Rhymney Valley) Colliery Co., Ltd.
Price €15.00Certificate of 5 Shares of 1£ each - Londres 1904
Aude 11
The Cesse Coalfields, Bize Mines (Aude) Ltd
Price €45.00Cert. for 10 Prv. shares of £4 each - London 1907
Cie Française des Anthracites du Pays de Galles
Price €40.00Share of 500F - Paris 1893 Coal Mining in Carmarthen (Wales)
Coal mines
Caisse des Mines des Charbonnages. Cie Gle du Crédit Houiller et Métallurgique
Price €15.00Share of 100F - Paris 1856
Saône et Loire 71
Cie des Charbons & Briqueteries de Blanzy & de l'Ouest
Price €180.00Share of 500F - Paris 1889
Sté Française des Charbonnages d'Along & Dong-Dang (Tonkin)
Price €20.00Share of 2500F - Paris
New York
Silver Dale -Mining, Milling and Improvement Co.
Price €180.00Cert. of 10 Shares of 20$ each - New York 1882 -
The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.
Price €15.00Cert. of 10 Shares of 10$ each - Philadelphia 1955 -
The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.
Price €10.00Certificate of 100 Shares of 10$ each - Philadelphia 1957
J.D. Corcodilos & Sons, Coal Trading & Shipping Co. Ltd.
Price €100.00Certificate of 1 Share of 1£ - Pireus 1951