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Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €35.00Certificate of 5000 Lei (10 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1924
Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €30.00Certificate of 2500 Lei (5 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1923
Suchard, S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €25.00Share of 500 Lei - Bucarest 1924
Gold mines
Cie Minière Franco-Transylvaine
Price €25.00Certificate of Nominative Shares of 250F - Paris Unissued
Gold mines
S.A. des Gisements d'Or du Placer de Saint-Maurice (Guyane Française)
Price €65.00Share of 200F - Paris 1880
Compagnie des Dragages Aurifères de la Guyane Francaise (1898)e (1898)
Price €35.00Share of 100F - Paris 1898
Sté d'Exploitations Minières de l'Inini
Price €20.00Certificate of 25 shares of 250 F - Cayenne 1954
Sté d'Exploitations Minières de l'Inini
Price €10.00Cert. of 5 shares of 250 F - Cayenne 1947
S.A. du Sparwine (Maroni) Exploitations Aurifères en Guyane
Price €35.00Founder share - Paris 1908
Sté Française des Mines d'Or de Transylvanie
Price €10.001/5th beneficiary share - Paris 1930
Compagnie Aurifère et Agricole L'Approuague, Guyane Française
Price €140.00Share of 100F 2nd serie - Paris 1863
S.A. du Sparwine (Maroni) Exploitations Aurifères en Guyane
Price €30.00Share of 100F - Paris 1908
Compagnie des Dragages Aurifères de la Guyane Française (1899)
Price €29.00Share of 100F - Paris 1899
Gold mines
South American Mining Company State of Guyana
Price €35.00Bond of $1000 - Philadelphia 1877
New Hebrides
Compagnie Agricole & Minière des Nouvelles Hébrides
Price €45.00Certificate of 10 shares of 100F - Paris 1926
French Guyana
Sté d'Exploitations Minières de L'Inini
Price €10.00Cert. of 5 shares of 250F - Cayenne 1948
Mica - Roman Mining Co.
Price €20.00Certificate of 5 shares of 500 Lei each - Bucarest 1938