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Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €35.00Certificate of 5000 Lei (10 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1924
Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €30.00Certificate of 2500 Lei (5 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1923
Bas Rhin 67
Laiteries Réunies Franco-Hollandaises
Price €15.00Certificate of Nominative Shares of 1,000F - Sarre-Union (Bas-Rhin)
El Laurel de Baco, S.A. Industrial
Price €20.00Bond of 500 Pesetas - Madrid, Plaza de la Moncloa et y Princesa, 1925
Suchard, S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €25.00Share of 500 Lei - Bucarest 1924
The Guarico Gold Mining Company Limited
Price €29.00Certificate of 20 shares - London 1897
Compagnie des Mines d'Antimoine & d'Or de Gondomar (Portugal)
Price €79.00Provisory certificate of 25 shares of 100F - Paris 1907
East Africa
Tanganyika Goldfields, Limited
Price €65.00Share warrant of 25 Shares of 5 Shillings each - London 1929
Klondyke Consolidated Gold Fields (Limited)
Price €40.00Certificate of 10 shares of 1£ each (25F) - London 1902
El Callao Consolidated Gold Mining Company Ltd. 1903
Price €45.00Certificate of 10 shares of 1£ - London 1903
South Africa
The Consolidated Diamond Mines South-West Africa Ltd.
Price €45.00Certificate of 50 Shares of 10 Shillings each - London 1948
Gold mines
The South-Eastern Gold Mining Company, Ltd.
Price €30.00Share warrant for 5 A Ordinary Shares of £1 each - London unissued
Gold Coast (Ghana, Nigeria)
The Gold Coast and Ashanti Corporation Ltd.
Price €35.00Certificate of 5 Shares of 1£ each - London 1906
Gold mines
Cie Minière Franco-Transylvaine
Price €25.00Certificate of Nominative Shares of 250F - Paris Unissued
Sté Anonyme Française des Mines d'Or de Stanija
Price €15.00Certificate of 10 Shares of 100F each - Paris 1933
South Africa
The Barrett Gold Mining Company
Price €65.00Certificate of 25 shares of 10 shilling each - London 1895
Sté des Placers de la Haute Italie
Price €40.00Certificate of 20 Beneficiary Shares - Paris 1904
The North Boulder Gold Mining Co.
Price €30.00Certificate of 250 shares of 10 sh. each - London 1899
Societa di Giacimenti Auriferi e di Lavori Public dell'Alta Italia
Price €50.00Cert. of 1 Share - Lugano 1888 -
Great Britain
The Mines and Banking Corporation Ltd.
Price €35.00Certificate of 10 Shares - London 1909
The Cosmopolitan Proprietary Ltd
Price €45.00Certificate of 50 nominal shares - London 1903
The Portuguese Manica Gold Mining Company Ltd
Price €89.00Certificate of 25 Shares of 4500 Reis or 1£ each - Lisbon 1899