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Compagnie des Mines de Fer de Larrath (Lot of 3 shares)
Price €25.00Lot of 3 Shares of 100F - Paris 1908-1910
Société Anonyme Française des Mines de Hafna (Algérie)
Price €15.00Certificate of 5 Founder Shares - Paris 1898
Sté Minière des Djebels Masser et Maaziz
Price €25.00Privileged share of 250F - Bruxelles 1910
Société des Usines du Laurium
Price €45.00Certificate of 1 Share of 100 Drachmes - Athens 1937
Société des Usines du Laurium
Price €25.00Certificate for 10 shares of 30 Drachmes each - Athens 1924
Gold Coast (Ghana, Nigeria)
The Tarkwa Proprietary Ltd
Price €35.00Certificate of 137 shares of 10 shillings each - London 1901
Gold Coast (Ghana, Nigeria)
The Tarkwa Proprietary,Ltd.
Price €50.00Share Certificate of 10 Shillings each - London 1904
East Africa
Tanganyika Concessions Limited
Price €65.00Certificate of 5 shares of 1 shilling 6 pence - London 1919
South Africa
The Bakrobo Mine Ltd
Price €40.00Certificate of 20 Shares of 5 shillings each - London 1902
Tenes Copper Mines- Oued-Allelah Concession
Price €35.00Cert. of 5 shares of 100F ea. Paris 1853 -
Société des Mines de Boudjoudoun (Algeria)
Price €12.00Nominatif certificat of 500F. - Paris 1931