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General insurances
General insurances
Société Générale des Assurances Agricoles
Price €120.00Share of 100F - Paris 1894
Insurance Policies
Sté Mutuelle Française, Sté de Capitalisation et d'Assurance
Price €15.00Lot of 3 Insurance certificates - Lyon 1901, 1906, 1907
Bank, Insurance
Caisse Mutuelle, Institution Française d'Epargne et de Prévoyance
Price €8.00Police d'1 bon - Lyon 1905
Rhône 69
Sté d'Etudes et de Contrôle
Price €8.00Certificate of Nominatives Shares of 500F - Lyon, unissued
The Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford (Connecticut)
Price €30.00Certificate of Share of 10$ - Hartford (Connecticut) 1953
Great Britain
General Expenditure Assurance Company Ltd
Price €50.00Commercial coupons - London 1879
Great Britain
General Expenditure Assurance Company Ltd
Price €50.00Coupons Commerciaux - London / Paris 1880
Bank, Insurance
L'Union des Mutuelles. S.A. de Gestion & de Réassurances
Price €80.00Share of 100F - Paris 1908
Capital 750,000F
Bank, Insurance
L'Union des Mutuelles. S.A. de Gestion & de Réassurances (1908)
Price €120.00Share of 100F - Paris 1908
Capital 500,000F
General insurances
"Assur", S.A. de Courtage et d'Encaissement
Price €10.00Certificate of 15 Nominative Shares of 500F each - Paris 1939
Loire Atlantique 44
La Prévoyance de l'Ouest, Sté Mutuelle de Capitalisation
Price €20.00Certificate of 500F - Nantes 1930
La Sauvegarde Capitalisation, Caisse de Prévoyance populaire
Price €5.00Certificate of 5000F - Paris 1946
General insurances
La Prospérité Française, Compagnie Anonyme d'Assurances sur la Vie
Price €15.00Beneficiary Share - Paris 1925
General insurances
Le Trésor de l'Enfance - Capitalisation. Sté de Prévoyance Mutuelle
Price €20.00Share of 100F (liberated 2nd serie) - Paris 1918
Pacific Employers Insurance Company
Price €15.00Certificate of Shares - California 1931-36
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia
Price €15.00Certificate of 100 Shares of 5$ each - Philadelphie 1930
New York
The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company
Price €45.00Insurance certificate - Rochester 1876
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia
Price €15.00Certificate of Shares of 25$ - Philadelphie 1929
General insurances
Société Fermière d'Assurances des Chemins de Fer, Sté Calmels & Cie
Price €40.00Founder share - Paris 1901
Franklin Insurance Company of St. Louis
Price €15.00Certificate of 100$ Shares - St Louis, Mo.