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Produits Chimiques et Phosphates (Compagnie des Phosphates) de l'Afrique du Nord
Price €15.00Share of 100F Serie A - Paris 1920
With stamp of name change
Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €35.00Certificate of 5000 Lei (10 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1924
Suchard. S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €30.00Certificate of 2500 Lei (5 Shares of 500 Lei each) - Bucarest 1923
Suchard, S.A. Roumaine pour la Fabrication du Chocolat
Price €25.00Share of 500 Lei - Bucarest 1924
Gold mines
Cie Minière Franco-Transylvaine
Price €25.00Certificate of Nominative Shares of 250F - Paris Unissued
Sté Française des Mines d'Or de Transylvanie
Price €10.001/5th beneficiary share - Paris 1930
New Hebrides
Compagnie Agricole & Minière des Nouvelles Hébrides
Price €45.00Certificate of 10 shares of 100F - Paris 1926
Mica - Roman Mining Co.
Price €20.00Certificate of 5 shares of 500 Lei each - Bucarest 1938
New Hebrides
Compagnie Agricole & Minière des Nouvelles Hébrides
Price €40.00Founder share - Paris 1926
New Hebrides
Compagnie Agricole & Minière des Nouvelles Hébrides
Price €40.00Share of 100F - Paris 1926
Rhône 69
Sté Immobilière Nord-Africaine
Price €25.00Nominative certificate of 10 shares of 25F - Tarare (Rhône) 1934
Chemin de Fer de Lung-Tsing-U-Hai - Gouv. de la République Chinoise
Price €15.00Certificat fractionnaireof 1/16th of a Bond of 500F - Paris 1925