Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Franco-Ethiopien de Djibouti à Addis-Abeba


3.5% Bond of 400F - Paris 1910

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3.5% Bond of 400 francs to bearer issued in Paris in 1910, part of an issue of 139,275 bonds.

Founded in 1898, the Ethiopian Railway Company benefits from a French concession granted by King Menelik to undertake the construction of a railway line from Djibouti to Diré-Daroua.

In 1906, the promoters of the project did not have the necessary capital to carry it out, the situation became very precarious and the company was put into liquidation in 1907. Anxious to make Djibouti the outlet for Ethiopian foreign trade, the French Government proposed to the Banque de l'Indochine, through a new company, to take over the concession by providing the capital necessary for the completion of the railway. and its extension to Addis Ababa.

After negotiations and with the agreement of England and Italy, the "Compagnie du Chemin de Fer de Djibouti à Addis-Abbeba" was founded and took over the assets of the imperial company. The line, 784 kilometers long, was completed in 1917.

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