Compagnie Nouvelle du Kouango Français


Share of 100F - Paris 1928

Head office in Bambari, Haut-Oubangui

No tax

Share of 100 francs to bearer issued in 1928 in Paris. Head office in Bambari, Haut-Oubangui, Ivory Coast.

Company founded in 1928 whose purpose is the development and exploitation in all countries, mainly in Africa, and more specifically in Haut-Oubangui, of all plantations. More generally all agricultural, forestry and mining operations in all countries. The use, industry and trade of all products and by-products from the operations listed above.

The Union Minière et Financière Coloniale, a public limited company with a capital of 6 million francs (headquarters in Paris, 47, rue Vivienne), contributed the benefit of the studies, work and steps taken or undertaken with a view to the constitution of the company.

The Compagnie du Kouango Français, a public limited company with a capital of 800,000 francs (headquarters in Paris, 37, boulevard Haussmann) contributed movable, tangible and immovable property and rights.

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