Etablissements Adolphe Bernard, S.A. de Constructions Mécaniques


6% Bond of 500F - Paris 1919

No tax

6% Bond to bearer of 500 francs issued in Paris in 1919.

Mechanical construction of airplanes, company founded in 1918 by Adolphe Bernard, French aeronautical engineer (1881-1955). Bond signed by Bernard.

Head office in Paris 1 rue Léon-Cladel (same address as the Management of Chantiers de Provence-Aviation Hydravions A. Bernard and L'Industrielle des Métaux et du Bois "Ferbois").

The factory was located in La Courneuve. The purpose of the company was to build fighters and seaplanes.

Statutes on the back of the bond.

Directors: Mr. Raoul Glavet (29 rue Mogador), Mr. Gustave Plommet (45 Grande-Rue, Boulogne-sur-Seine)

The company took the name of L'Industrielle des Métaux et du Bois "Ferbois" (Industrial Metals and Wood) in 1922. It went bankrupt in 1927 and was renamed Société des Avions Bernard. The latter was nationalized in 1935 and later became the MATRA company in 1941.


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