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Cie Générale des Soies de France et d'Indochine
Price €35.00Beneficiary Share - Lyon 1926
S.A. Franco-Bulgare pour la Filature de la Soie et le Tissage des Soieries
Price €15.00Certificat Nominatif d'Actions B - Lyon 1931
S.A. Franco-Bulgare pour la Filature de la Soie et le Tissage des Soieries
Price €15.00Part Bénéficiaire - Lyon 1931
S.A. Franco-Bulgare pour la Filature de la Soie et le Tissage des Soieries
Price €15.00Share "A" of 500 F - Lyon 1931
Cie Générale des Soies de France et d'Indochine
Price €25.00Ordinary share of 500F- Lyon 1926
Great Britain
Ch. Drecoll Ltd
Price €35.00Certificate of 1 Preferred Share of 4 Shillings - London 1910
Great Britain
International Artifical Silk Company, Limited
Price €30.00Certificate of 100 Shares of 5 Shillings each - London 1928
Great Britain
International Artifical Silk Company, Limited
Price €30.00Certificate of 8 Shares of 5 Shillings each - London 1928
Great Britain
The Samson Leather Treads and Tyre Co., Ltd
Price €45.00Certificate of Shares of £1 each - London 1907
Great Britain
W. Abbott & Sons, Ltd. (The "Phit-Eesi Shoe Company")
Price €25.00Certificate of ordinary Shares of £1 each - London 1919
Alliance Artificial Silk Limited
Price €30.00Certificate of 29 shares of 5 Shillings each - London 1929
Meuse 55
Anglo French (Verdun) Artificial Silk, Ltd.
Price €75.00Certificate of 25 shares of 1 Shilling each - London 1929
Meuse 55
Anglo French (Verdun) Artificial Silk, Ltd.
Price €70.00Cerificate of 5 ordinary shares of 1 shilling each - London 1929
The American Thread Company
Price €15.00Certificate of 25 Shares of 5$,20 Sh. & 8 Pc. - New Jersey 1925
Jantzen Inc. (Nevada)
Price €20.00Certificate of shares - New York (Morgan Guaranty Trust Company) 1979