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Motta - Dolciaria Ed Alimentare
Price €40.00Certificate of 25 shares of 3,000 Lires each - Milano 1963
Franco-Ottomane pour la Fabrication des Corps Gras & des Graisses Alimentaires
Price €50.00Share of 100F - Paris 1910
Sté Turque de Plomb Argentifère (Aurifère) de Kavadjik & Efène-Tchoukourou (Smyrne)
Price €45.00Certificate of 10 shares of Turc £10 - Stamboul 1926
Sté des Placers de la Haute Italie
Price €40.00Certificate of 20 Beneficiary Shares - Paris 1904
Sté Turque de Plomb Argentifère (Aurifère) de Kavadjik & Efène-Tchoukourou (Smyrne)
Price €40.00Share of Turc £10 -Stamboul 1926
The Monte Rosa Gold Mining Company Limited
Price €20.00Certificate of 25 Shares of 25F each - London 1898
The Monte Rosa Gold Mining Company Limited
Price €20.00Certificate de 10 shares of 25F each - London 1895
The Monte Rosa Gold Mining Company Limited
Price €20.00Certificate of 5 shares of 25F each - London 1898
Compagnie des Chemins de Fer de la Ligne d'Italie par la Vallée du Rhône et le Simplon
Price €20.00Share of 250F - 1856
Conseil de la Dette Publique Répartie de l'Ancien Empire Ottoman. European Turkey Railroad Company - 4% Loan Soma-Panderma
Price €15.00Provisory receipt for a bond of 500F or 22T£ - Paris 1933
Compagnie Fermière des Halles, Marchés et Abattoirs de la Ville de Naples
Price €40.00Privileged bond of 150F - Paris 1874
Compagnie Fermière des Halles, Marchés et Abattoirs de la Ville de Naples
Price €35.00Share of 500F - Paris 1869
Cie Fermière des Halles, Marchés et Abattoirs de la Ville de Naples
Price €40.00Bond of 400F - Paris 1869
Cie Fermière des Halles, Marchés & Abattoirs de la Ville de Naples
Price €20.00Provisory cert.ificate of 1 Bond of 150F - Paris 1873
Société du Chemin de Fer Ottoman d'Anatolie (Ottoman Railway Company of Anatolie Ltd.)
Price €120.00Certificate of 1 Share of 500F (or 408 Mark or 20£) - Constantinople 1894
Série I - with Reichs stamp
Signed by Siemens
Ottoman bonds
Gouvernement Impérial Ottoman - Emprunt Ottoman 4% du Chemin de Fer de Soma-Panderma
Price €150.004% Bond of 22 Livres turques ou 500F - Constantinople 1911
Societa Italiana per le Strade Ferrate del Mediterraneo
Price €20.00Certificate of 5 bonds of 500 Lires each - Milano 1887
Societa Italiana per le Strade Ferrate Meridionali
Price €20.00Certificate of 5 bonds of 500 Liras each - Milan 1887
Societa Italiana per le Strade Ferrate Meridionali
Price €20.00Certificate of 5 bonds of 500 Liras each - Firenze 1889
Gouvernement Impérial Ottoman - 4% Ottoman Loan of the Hodeïdahg-Sanaa & Embranchements Railway
Price €110.004% Bond of 22 T£ (or 500F) - Constantinople 1911
Société Impériale Ottomane du Chemin de Fer de Bagdad (Imperial Ottoman Company of the Bagdad Railway)
Price €380.00Share of 500F (48 Reichsmark or £20 Sterling) - Constantinople 1903
Société du Chemin de Fer Ottoman Salonique-Monastir
Price €20.003% Bond of 500F (or M. 404) - Constantinople 1893
with French, German and Belgian stamps.