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Compania Anonima Minas de Guanandi
Price €85.00Certificate of 500 Pesos Oro - Montevideo 1888
Cie des Ets Français des Mines d'Or de l'Uruguay (1895)
Price €30.00Share of 100F - Paris 1895
Capital 300,000F
Cie des Etablissements Français des Mines d'Or de l'Uruguay (1899)
Price €20.00Share of 100F - Paris 1899
Capital 1,600,000F
Cie Française des Mines d'Or de l'Uruguay (1881)
Price €30.00Priority Share of 500F - Paris 1881
Capital 15,000,000F
Belgian Congo
Société des Mines d'Or de Kilo-Moto
Price €30.00Beneficiary share - Kilo (Belgian Congo) 1944
Cie des Etablissements Français des Mines d'Or de l'Uruguay (1895)
Price €15.00Founder Share - Paris 1895
Capital 300,000F
Belgian Congo
Société Commerciale et Minière de l'Uele COMUELE
Price €30.00Social share - Aketi 1944
Belgian Congo
Sté Internationale Forestière & Minière du Congo FORMINIERE
Price €35.00Part Sociale - Tshikapa (District du Kasaï) / Bruxelles 1950
Belgian Congo
Sté Industrielle et Minière du Congo Oriental
Price €15.00Share of 250F - B Serie - Brussels 1928
Belgian Congo
Société Industrielle et Minière du Katanga SIMKAT (INDUMINES stamp)
Price €15.00Share - Brussels 1944
Belgian Congo
Société Minière de Bafwaboli SOMIBA
Regular price €35.00 -15% Price €29.751/5th of founder share - Stanleyville 1933
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Universal Neptune Cie
Price €10.001/10th of beneficiary share - Djibouti
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Société Minière des Concessions Prasso en Abyssinie
Price €20.00Founder Share - Paris 1926
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Société Minière des Concessions Prasso en Abyssinie
Price €20.00Share of 500F - Paris 1926
Republica Oriental del Uruguay - Public Works Loan 1909 5%
Price €120.005% Gold Bond of 500F - Montevideo 1909
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
The International Ethiopian Railway Trust & Construction Co.
Price €35.00Certificate of 3 shares of 1£ - London 1903
East Africa
Tanganyika Concessions Limited
Price €65.00Certificate of 5 shares of 1 shilling 6 pence - London 1919
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Franco-Ethiopien de Djibouti à Addis-Abeba (1923)
Price €50.005.5% Bond of 500F - Paris 1923
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Franco-Ethiopien de Djibouti à Addis-Abeba
Price €25.00Bond of 4F 3,5% - Paris 1970
Head office in Addis-Abeba.
Belgian Congo
Sté des Chemins de Fer Vicinaux du Congo
Price €30.00Priv. share of 500F - Aketi (Belgian Congo) 1932
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
The New African Company, Limited (International Ethiopian Railway Trust and Construction Co.)
Price €35.00Fractional Certificate of 1/20th of a £1 Share - 1903
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Franco-Ethiopien de Djibouti à Addis-Abeba (1914)
Price €69.00Bond of 400F 3,5% - Paris 1914
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalie
Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Franco-Ethiopien de Djibouti à Addis-Abeba
Price €65.00Share - Paris 1918, 1921, 1922 or 1926
Belgian Congo
Compagnie des Chemins de Fer du Congo Supérieur aux Grands Lacs Africains
Price €65.00Share of 250F - Brussels 1948