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Compagnie des Mines d'Antimoine & d'Or de Gondomar (Portugal)
Price €79.00Provisory certificate of 25 shares of 100F - Paris 1907
Belgian Congo
Société des Mines d'Or de Kilo-Moto
Price €30.00Beneficiary share - Kilo (Belgian Congo) 1944
Compagnie des Mines d'Antimoine & d'Or de Gondomar (Portugal)
Regular price €55.00 -20% Price €44.00Share of 100F - Paris 1907
Siam Thailand
The Gold Fields of Siam Ltd.
Price €120.00Certificate of 50 shares of £1 each - London 1889
Companhia das Minas de Gondomar
Price €90.00Titulo de 1 Acçao de 50$000 Reis - Lisboa 1883
Belgian Congo
Société Commerciale et Minière de l'Uele COMUELE
Price €30.00Social share - Aketi 1944
Belgian Congo
Sté Internationale Forestière & Minière du Congo FORMINIERE
Price €35.00Part Sociale - Tshikapa (District du Kasaï) / Bruxelles 1950
Belgian Congo
Sté Industrielle et Minière du Congo Oriental
Price €15.00Share of 250F - B Serie - Brussels 1928
Belgian Congo
Société Industrielle et Minière du Katanga SIMKAT (INDUMINES stamp)
Price €15.00Share - Brussels 1944
Belgian Congo
Société Minière de Bafwaboli SOMIBA
Regular price €35.00 -15% Price €29.751/5th of founder share - Stanleyville 1933
Fundo Externo Portuguez 3.A Série, Titulo Especial Sem Juro (Annulado)
Price €15.00Bond of Réis 30 or 79.34 Florins or 166.67 francs or 6-12-8 Libras - Lisboa 1902
Reino de Portugal - Junta do Credito Publico - Divida Interna Fundada de 3%
Price €125.00Share of Rs 100$00 - Lisboa 1900
With coupons
Rentes Portugaises Extérieures (by the French Bank Crédit Lyonnais)
Price €15.00Receipt for coupons of 643F - Paris 1893
Divida Externa Portugueza 4,5% 1888-1889
Price €50.00Cautela de minimos de titulos especiaes sem juro - 1902
Junta do Credito Publico - Emprestimo Portuguez de 3% de 1905
Price €170.00Bond of 10 Réis - Lisboa 1905
The Vallongo Antimony Company Ltd.
Price €20.00Share Warrant for 10 Shares of 1£ each - London 0906
Companhia dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses
Price €30.00Privilege Share of 100F - Lisboa 1932
Companhia Real de Caminhos de Ferro Portugueze (1886)
Price €10.00Bond of 500F - Lisboa 1860
with red stamp of 1894
Cie Française pour la Construction et l'Exploitation de Chemins de Fer à l'Etranger
Price €15.00Bond of 500F - Paris 1907
East Africa
Tanganyika Concessions Limited
Price €65.00Certificate of 5 shares of 1 shilling 6 pence - London 1919
Royal Trans-African Railway/Cia Real dos Caminhos de Ferro Atravez d'Africa
Price €60.00Mortgage bond of £100 or 450$000 Reis - Oporto 1886 -