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El Laurel de Baco, S.A. Industrial (Beer, Cervezas)
Price €280.00Nominative Share B of 1000 Pesetas - Madrid 1914
Productos Selectos del Cerdos S.A.
Price €65.00Preference Share of 500 Pesetas - Manlleu 1944
El Laurel de Baco, S.A. Industrial
Price €20.00Bond of 500 Pesetas - Madrid, Plaza de la Moncloa et y Princesa, 1925
Société Nouvelle des Mines de l'Andalousie
Price €30.00Part of Share of 25F - Brussels 1890
Société Nouvelle des Mines de l'Andalousie
Price €30.00Certificate of 10 parts of Shares of 25F - Brussels 1890
The Carballino Gold and Arsenic Mines
Price €30.00Certificate of 20 shares of £1 each - London 1907
Sté Nouvelle des Mines de l'Andalousie
Price €30.00Certificates of 5 parts of Shares of 25F - Brussels 1890
Belgian Congo
Société des Mines d'Or de Kilo-Moto
Price €30.00Beneficiary share - Kilo (Belgian Congo) 1944
The Carballino Gold and Arsenic Mines
Price €20.00Cert. of 5 shares of £1 - London 1906,1907,1909 -
Compania General de Minas y Sondeos
Price €39.00Titulo de 5 Acciones - Barcelona 1901
Serie B
Société Houillère de Santa-Ana (Asturies)
Price €30.00Preferred Nominal share - Paris 1858
Belgian Congo
Société Commerciale et Minière de l'Uele COMUELE
Price €30.00Social share - Aketi 1944
Belgian Congo
Sté Internationale Forestière & Minière du Congo FORMINIERE
Price €35.00Part Sociale - Tshikapa (District du Kasaï) / Bruxelles 1950
Belgian Congo
Sté Industrielle et Minière du Congo Oriental
Price €15.00Share of 250F - B Serie - Brussels 1928
Belgian Congo
Société Industrielle et Minière du Katanga SIMKAT (INDUMINES stamp)
Price €15.00Share - Brussels 1944