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Compagnie des Mines de Fer de Larrath (Lot of 3 shares)
Price €25.00Lot of 3 Shares of 100F - Paris 1908-1910
Société Anonyme Française des Mines de Hafna (Algérie)
Price €15.00Certificate of 5 Founder Shares - Paris 1898
Société des Mines du Djebel Salrhef (1929)
Price €15.00Share of 100F - Marrakech 1929
Capital 5,000,000F (with 1 stamps)
Société des Mines du Djebel Salrhef (1928)
Price €15.00Share of 100F - Marrakech 1928
Capital 5,000,000F (with 3 stamps)
Société des Mines du Djebel Salrhef (1954)
Price €10.00Share of 2500F - Marrakech 1954
Capital 200,000,000F
Société des Mines du Djebel Salrhef (1945)
Price €15.00Share of 100F - Marrakech 1945
Capital 16,500,000F
Sté de Recherches Minières Françaises & Coloniales (Mines de Sidi Mafa)
Price €20.00Share of 100F Serie B - Paris 1926
Belgian Congo
Société Commerciale et Minière de l'Uele COMUELE
Price €30.00Social share - Aketi 1944
Sté Minière des Djebels Masser et Maaziz
Price €25.00Privileged share of 250F - Bruxelles 1910
Belgian Congo
Sté Internationale Forestière & Minière du Congo FORMINIERE
Price €35.00Part Sociale - Tshikapa (District du Kasaï) / Bruxelles 1950
Société des Usines du Laurium
Price €45.00Certificate of 1 Share of 100 Drachmes - Athens 1937
Sté de Recherches Minières Françaises & Coloniales (Mines de Sidi Mafa)
Price €15.0010th of a Founder share - Paris 1928
Belgian Congo
Sté Industrielle et Minière du Congo Oriental
Price €15.00Share of 250F - B Serie - Brussels 1928
Belgian Congo
Société Industrielle et Minière du Katanga SIMKAT (INDUMINES stamp)
Price €15.00Share - Brussels 1944