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Wood and forests
Ivory Coast
Société Africaine Forestière et Agricole SAFA
Price €75.00Certificate of 5 Shares of 1250F CFA - Douala 1959
Agriculture, Food
Colonizadora de la Guinea Continental S.A. "COGUISA" (1955)
Price €30.00Share of 50 Pesetas - Bata 1955
Belgian Congo
Sté Internationale Forestière & Minière du Congo FORMINIERE
Price €35.00Part Sociale - Tshikapa (District du Kasaï) / Bruxelles 1950
Wood and forests
Sté Industrielle Forestière & Minière du Proche-Orient
Price €20.00Founder share - Paris 1924
Middle East
Sté Industrielle Forestière & Minière du Proche-Orient
Price €10.00Share of 500F - Paris 1924
Tchita-Nertchinsk Co. Ltd. Agriculture, Mines, Railway, Wood and Plants
Price €70.00Cert of preference shares of 1£. -
Rhône 69
Etablissements L. Buisson (mobilier)
Price €8.00Certificate of Nominatives Shares - Villeurbanne, unissued
Wood and forests
SA des Ouvriers Charpentiers
Price €30.00Share of 500F - Villeurbanne 1946. Rare (70)
Cie Lyonnaise de l'Industrie du Bois. Anciens Ets ''Atlas-Aviation-Lyon''
Price €20.00Bond of 500F - Lyon 1919
Sté d'Etudes et d'Exploitations Forestières et Commerciales
Price €40.00Beneficiary share - Paris 1898 -
Cie Forestière de Madagascar (Ancienne Concession Thomé)
Price €20.00Founder Share - Paris 1900 -
Sté d'Etudes et d'Exploitation Forestières et Commerciales
Price €30.00Nominative Share of 100F - Paris 1898 -
Cie Forestière de Madagascar (Ancienne Concession Thomé)
Price €20.00Share of 500F - Paris 1900
Etablissements Adolphe Bernard, S.A. de Constructions Mécaniques
Price €30.006% Bond of 500F - Paris 1919
Wood and forests
La Shannon Française, Anciens Etablissements Wiéner & Cie
Price €25.00Share "B" of 100F - Paris 1927
Société Française d'Exploitation Forestière Werkh-Petchora (Russie)
Price €65.00Founder share - Paris 1900
S.A. des Hauts-Fourneaux, Forges, Mines, Domaines & Forêts de Raiwola & Lintula (Finland)
Price €140.00Share of 500F - Paris 1878.
Compagnie Générale des Plantations et Palmeraies de l'Ogooué
Price €65.00Share of 100F - Paris 1928
S.D. Warren Company (Wood industry)
Price €15.00Certificate of 15 Shares - Boston 1945
Wood and forests
Sociedad Espanola de Productos Forestales
Price €40.00Share of 500 Pesetas - Manresa 1919
Colonizadora de la Guinea Continental S.A. "COGUISA"
Price €40.00Share of 50 Pesetas - Barcelona 1930
Paris 75
S.A. des Etablissements D. & N. Rolland Frères
Price €10.00Certificate of 5 Founder Shares - Paris 1924