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Soaps, Beauty
S.A. Française des Huileries - Savonneries de l'Adriatique
Price €25.00Share of 500F - Paris 1930
Cement, concrete
Entreprise Soly & Cie, Fondations sur Pilotis Simplex
Price €8.00Nominative Share Certificate of 100F - Lyon, unissued
Cement, concrete
Lafarge Aluminous Cement Company Ltd. Ciment Fondu
Price €35.00Certificate of Ordinary Shares of 5 Shillings each - London 1954
Automobile equipment
Caoutchouc Récupéré ''Réno'', Société Anonyme
Price €15.00Founder share - Paris 1929
Cement, concrete
Société d'Applications Nouvelles du Ciment Armé SANCA (lot)
Price €10.00Lot of 2 shares of 100F - Paris 1930 & 1937
Cement, concrete
Compagnie Industrielle des Ciments
Price €20.00Lot of 3 certificates (share and beneficiary share) - Paris 1928-1935
Cement, concrete
copy of Financière des Ciments et de l'Industrie S.A.
Price €10.00Founder share - Paris 1929
S.A. des Anciens Ets L. Chauvin (Caoutchouc)
Price €15.00Action Privilégiée de 500F - Paris 1910
Soaps, Beauty
Manufacture des Bougies de l'Etoile, Société en Commandite
Price €250.00Share of 500F - Paris 1838