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Harley-Davidson Club (Switzerland) Limited
Price €110.00Share certificate of 10 Shares of 1£ - 1993
Schweizerische Furkabahn-Gesellschaft Brigue-Furka-Disentis
Price €120.004,5% Bond of 500F - Bern 1910
Porto Rico
American Railroad Company of Porto Rico
Price €350.004% Bond of $100 (500F) - Porto Rico 1908.
Porto Rico
Compania de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (1902)
Price €90.00Certificate of 1 Bond of 500F - Madrid 1902
Capital: 3,000,000F
Porto Rico
The People of Puerto Rico, Irrigation Extension 3.5% Loan
Price €75.003.5% Bond of $1000 - San Juan 1935
Grand-Hôtel Beau-Rivage in Interlaken, Albert Döpfner
Price €120.00Partial bond of a 4,25% loan - Interlaken 1904
Ivory Coast
Etablissements Pozzo di Borgo (1921)
Price €180.00Cerificate of 5 shares of 100F each - Marseille 1921
Capital 3 million francs
Ivory Coast
Etablissements Pozzo di Borgo (1913)
Price €150.00Founder share - Marseille 1913
Capital 2.2 million francs.