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The Netherlands
Bas Rhin 67
Laiteries Réunies Franco-Hollandaises
Price €15.00Certificate of Nominative Shares of 1,000F - Sarre-Union (Bas-Rhin)
The Netherlands
Amsterdam-Goudmijn-Maatschappij (Amsterdam Goldmining Company Limited)
Price €30.00Certificate of 5 Shares of £1 or 25F each - Amsterdam 1895
Great Britain
Unilever Limited.
Price €45.00Certificate of 224 20% Cumulative Preference Stock of 5 Shillings (56£) - 1955
Great Britain
Unilever Limited.
Price €50.00Certificate of 300 8% Cumulative Preference Stock of 1£ (300£) - 1952
Automobile industry
Peugeot Finance International N.V. (PSA Finance Holding)
Price €69.00Bond of 2,000,000 Italian Lire - Amsterdam 1987
The Netherlands
Europeesche Spoorwegwaarden, Stuhlweissenburg-Raab-Graz Hongaarsche Staats-Kronenrente
Price €15.00Certificate of 300 Kronen - Amsterdam 1893
The Netherlands
Hope & Comp. Ketwich & Voombergh en Weduwe Willem Borski
Price €90.00Share of 100$ (Bank in Philadelphia) - Amsterdam 1843
The Netherlands
Algemeene Nederlandsche Railroute-Maatschappij
Price €50.00Bond of 500F - Gravenhage 1865
Brusellsche Maatchappij Van Cultures op Java
Price €25.00Share of 50 gulden - Gravenhage 1914
Algemeene Mij. van Ondernemingen in Oost-Indië (Anc. Sté Bruxelloise de Cultures à Java)
Price €20.00Share of 50 gulden - Gravenhage 1924
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama - DUtch stamp
Price €60.003% Bond of 500F - Paris 1884
With Dutch stamp
The Netherlands
Royal Dutch Company for the Working of Petroleum-Wells in Netherlands-India
Price €35.00Certificate of 1000 Florins - Amsterdam 1940
The Netherlands
NederlNederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappy Anoto-Benzonaft
Price €30.00Certificate of 50 Shares of 100 Gulden each - Gravenhage 1922
The Netherlands
Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappy Anoto-Benzonaft
Price €15.00Certificate of 10 Shares of 1000 Gulden each - Gravenhage 1922
The Netherlands
Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappy Anoto-Benzonaft
Price €15.00Certificate of 100 Gulden - Gravenhage 1922
The Netherlands
Koninklijke Nederlandsche Mij. tot Exploiatie van Petroleumbronnen
Price €20.00Share of 1000 Gulden - Amsterdam 1910
The Netherlands
Petroleum Maatschappij "Moesi Ilir"
Price €25.00Share of 120 Florins - Amsterdam 1901
The Netherlands
Petroleum-Maatschappij ''Saltcreek''
Price €15.00Share 100 Gulden Gravenhage - La Haye 1907
The Netherlands
Petroleum-Maatschappij '' Saltcreek''
Price €10.00Share of 100 Gulden - Gravenhage 1907
The Netherlands
Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappy Anoto-Benzonaft
Price €20.00Certificate of 5 Shares of 500 Fl - Gravenhage 1922
The Netherlands
Argoun - Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappij
Price €20.00Certificate of 10 Shares of 100 Florins each - Gravenhage 1933
The Netherlands
Glasfabriek "Leerdam" Voorheen Jeekel, Mijnssen & Co.
Price €50.00Gewoon Andel groot 20 Gulden - Leerdam 1933
The Netherlands
Spaansch-Nederlandsche Mijn-Maatschappij
Price €30.00Warrant of 20 shares of £1 - Amsterdam 1890
The Netherlands
Harlem, Société Franco-Hollandaise d'Encres, couleurs et Vernis (Inks, Colours & Varnishes)
Price €12.00Share of 500F - Paris 1925
The Netherlands
Société Minière Hermina (Hermina Mining Company)
Price €55.00Privileged share of 25F or 12,50 Florins - La Haye 1904
The Netherlands
The Galicia Tin Maatschappij Company,Ltd
Price €15.00Share Certificate of £1 each - Gravenhage 1889
The Netherlands
Waarborgfonds van de Premieleening der Vereeniging : Rotterdamsche Schouwburg
Price €20.00Bond of 1.5 Gulden - Rotterdam 1894