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Agriculture, Food
Colonizadora de la Guinea Continental S.A. "COGUISA" (1955)
Price €30.00Share of 50 Pesetas - Bata 1955
Cia Azucarera del Paraiso Novillero S.A. Republica Mexicana
Price €35.00Certificate of 10 Shares of 10 Pesos each (100$) - Mexico 1924
S.A. Belge pour la Conservation du Poisson par le Froid Artificiel
Price €10.00Dividende Share - Ostende 1928 -
Wood and forests
Sté Industrielle Forestière & Minière du Proche-Orient
Price €20.00Founder share - Paris 1924
Middle East
Sté Industrielle Forestière & Minière du Proche-Orient
Price €10.00Share of 500F - Paris 1924
La Grande Ile, Société de Colonisation à Madagascar (GISAC)
Price €50.00Beneficiary Share - Tananarive, Madagascar 1948
Sté Sucrière de la Mahavavy (Domaine de l'Ankaratra)
Price €10.00Share of 1350 Malgaches Francs - Ambilobe -
Great Britain
Ranson's Sugar Process Ltd.
Price €120.00Certificate of 100 Shares of 1£ each - London 1899
Société Française d'Exploitation Forestière Werkh-Petchora (Russie)
Price €65.00Founder share - Paris 1900
American Beet Sugar Manufacturing Co.
Price €35.00Certificate of 10 or 20 Shares of 100$ each - Chicago, Illinois 1894
Sté Belgo-Russe pour la Fabrication des Glaces, Anc. Firme Th. de Béklémichef
Price €60.00Share of 93 Rbs 75 cop. - Moscow 1912
Frio Industrial S.A. Fabrica de Hielo, Camaras Frigoroficas
Price €60.00Nominal share of 500 Psts. Palma de Mallorca 1962.
Wood and forests
Sociedad Espanola de Productos Forestales
Price €40.00Share of 500 Pesetas - Manresa 1919
Colonizadora de la Guinea Continental S.A. "COGUISA"
Price €40.00Share of 50 Pesetas - Barcelona 1930
FORFINA - Cie Financière d'Exploitations Forestières & d'Imprégnation des Bois
Price €10.00Share of 500F - Bruxelles 1926