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Sté Anonyme Française des Mines d'Or de Stanija
Price €15.00Certificate of 10 Shares of 100F each - Paris 1933
The Cevreni-Breg Mining Company, Limited
Price €25.00Certificate of 1 Share of 100F or 4£ - London 1908
Société d'Exploitations Minières en Serbie (Société Minière Franco-Belge)
Price €25.00Shares of 100F - Brussels 1906
Compagnie Française des Mines de Bor, Concession Saint-Georges
Price €30.00Ordinary Share de 100F - Paris 1939
Compagnie Française des Mines de Bor, Concession Saint-Georges
Price €25.00Priority share - Paris 1937
Porto Rico
Compania de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (1895)
Price €130.002nd Mortgage Bond of 500F - Madrid 1895
Capital : 3,000,000 Pesetas
Porto Rico
American Railroad Company of Porto Rico
Price €350.004% Bond of $100 (500F) - Porto Rico 1908.
Dahomey (Benin)
Compagnie Française de Chemins de Fer au Dahomey
Price €15.00Beneficiary Share - Paris 1912
Porto Rico
Compania de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (1902)
Price €90.00Certificate of 1 Bond of 500F - Madrid 1902
Capital: 3,000,000F
Porto Rico
Compania de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (1888), Serie de Mayagüez
Price €120.00First Mortgage Bond of 500 Pesetas - Madrid 1888
Capital: 16,000,000
Dahomey (Benin)
Compagnie Française de Chemins de Fer au Dahomey
Price €15.00Share of 100 F - Paris 1912
Porto Rico
The People of Puerto Rico, Irrigation Extension 3.5% Loan
Price €75.003.5% Bond of $1000 - San Juan 1935
A Gazdasagi Takarépénztar Reszv.-tarsasag Kunszentmarton
Price €10.00Certificate of 100 Pengoreol - Kunszentmarton 1926
Kingdom of Serbia - 4% Loan 1895
Price €60.00Certificate of 10 Bonds of 500F each - Belgrade 1895
Royal Government of Serbia - 1888 Loan
Price €40.00Gold Bond of 10F (or Dinars) - Belgrad 1888