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Porto Rico
Compania de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (1895)
Price €130.002nd Mortgage Bond of 500F - Madrid 1895
Capital : 3,000,000 Pesetas
Ottoman bonds
Gouvernement Impérial Ottoman - Emprunt Ottoman 4% du Chemin de Fer de Soma-Panderma
Price €150.004% Bond of 22 Livres turques ou 500F - Constantinople 1911
Cia de Los Ferro-Carriles de Asturias, Galicia y Leon
Price €75.00Bond of 500 Ps - Madrid 1885
Gouvernement Impérial Ottoman - 4% Ottoman Loan of the Hodeïdahg-Sanaa & Embranchements Railway
Price €110.004% Bond of 22 T£ (or 500F) - Constantinople 1911
Brazil Railway Company - 4.5% Gold Bond 60 years
Price €95.004,5% Gold Bond of 500F - New York 1910
Porto Rico
Compania de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (1902)
Price €90.00Certificate of 1 Bond of 500F - Madrid 1902
Capital: 3,000,000F
Porto Rico
Compania de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (1888), Serie de Mayagüez
Price €120.00First Mortgage Bond of 500 Pesetas - Madrid 1888
Capital: 16,000,000
Cia Anonima de Los Ferro-Carriles de Sevilla-Jerez-Cadiz. Yellow Serie
Price €30.00Bond of 300F Yellow Serie - Madrid 1907
Companhia dos Caminhos de Ferro Portuguezes da Beira Alta
Price €89.00Bond of 500F - Lisbon 1907
Companhia Real de Caminhos de Ferro Portugueze (1860)
Price €60.00Share of 500F - Lisbon 1860
Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
Grands Réseaux de Chemins de Fer d'Intérêt Général. Chemins de Fer du Midi. Emprunt 6% 1936 Tranche A
Price €20.006% Bond of 1,000F - Paris 1936