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State loans
AOF (French West Africa)
Gouvernement Général de l'Afrique Occidentale Française - 5.5% Loan 1936-1957
Price €20.00Bond of 10.000F - Paris 1936
AOF (French West Africa)
Gouvernement Général de l'Afrique Occidentale Française - 5,5% Loan 1933-1957
Price €20.00Bond of 1000F - Paris 1933
Porto Rico
The People of Puerto Rico, Irrigation Extension 3.5% Loan
Price €75.003.5% Bond of $1000 - San Juan 1935
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Gouvernement Général de l'Afrique Equatoriale Française - 4% Loan 1930
Price €60.00Bond of 1,000F - Paris 1930
Colonies of Moyen-Congo, Gabon, Oubangui-Chari and Tchad.
Kingdom of Serbia - 4% Loan 1895
Price €60.00Certificate of 10 Bonds of 500F each - Belgrade 1895
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Gouvernement Général de l'Afrique Equatoriale Française - 4% Loan 1931
Price €45.00Bond of 1000F - Paris 1931
Royal Government of Serbia - 1888 Loan
Price €40.00Gold Bond of 10F (or Dinars) - Belgrad 1888
Drzavna Riznica - 4% Loan (Agriculture)
Price €120.00Cert. of 10 Bonds of 1000 Dinars - Belgrad 1921
AEF (French Equatorial Africa)
Gouvernement Général de l'Afrique Equatoriale Française - 5.5% Loan 1936
Price €45.005.5% Bond of 1000F - Paris 1936
Emprunt du Canton de Fribourg pour la Construction de l'Hôpital Cantonal - Emission 1902
Price €30.00Bond of 15F - Freiburg 1902
Crédit Foncier du Royaume de Serbie (Ouprava Fondova) - 4.5% Gold Loan 1910
Price €50.00Mortgage Bond of 500F - Belgrade 1910
Crédit Foncier du Royaume de Serbie (Ouprava Fondova)- 4,5% Gold Loan 1911
Price €50.004.5% Gold Bond of 500F - Belgrade 1911