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Société de la ''Roue sans Pneu'', pour l'Exploitation des Brevets A. Darche
Price €20.00Share of 100F - Alger 1917
Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico (National Railways of Mexico)
Price €60.00Share of 100$ or 200 Mex. Ps - New York 1910 or 1915
Bouches du Rhône 13
Société Provençale de Transports Automobiles
Price €10.00Share of 500F - Paris 1947
Bouches du Rhône 13
Société Provençale de Travaux Publics
Price €10.00Share of 100F - Marseilles 1918
Imperial Russian Government, 5 Years 5,5% Bond 1921
Price €250.005,5% Bond of 1000$ Gold coin - New York 1916.
The Central El Dorado Gold Mining Company
Price €35.00Certificate of 20 Shares of $1 - Phoenix 1910
Creuse 23
Sté des Mines d'Or du Chatelet (Creuse). 1929
Price €25.00Ordinary Share of 100F - Paris 1929
Capital 10,000,000F
Compagnie Générale des Caisses d'Escompte A. Prost et Compagnie
Price €35.00Certificate of 1 share of 500F - Paris 1856
Paris 75
Crédit de Paris
Regular price €80.00 -20% Price €64.00Share of 500F - Paris 1881. Design signed by A. Renard
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama
Price €30.003% Bond of 500F - Paris 1884
Nobel Brothers Petroleum Production Company
Price €200.00Certificate for 4 Shares of 250 Rbl each - St-Petersburg 1912