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Ukrain is bordered by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov to the south. The capital is Kyiv. During the Russian Revolution, the Ukrainian People's Republic briefly enjoyed independence from 1917 to 1922 when they joined the USSR after the Russian Civil War. Ukrain became independent again in 1991 following the breakup of the USSR.
Société Métallurgique Dniéprovienne du Midi de la Russie
Price €95.00Bond of 250 Rb. - Ekatérinoslaf 1890
Ateliers de Construction, Forges & Fonderies de Khartsisk
Price €60.00Share of 250F - La Louvière (Belgium) 1898
City of Ekaterinoslaw - 5% Loan, 2nd Issue
Price €60.005% Bond of 200 Rbl - Ekaterinoslaw 1909
Forges et Aciéries d'Ekaterinoslaw (Donetz)
Price €75.004.5% Bond of 500 Rbl. - Brussels 1895
City of Kharkow - Loan of 6,199,875 Rbls
Price €190.00Bond of 937.50 Rb of 5% - Kharkow 1912
City of Ekaterinoslaw - 3rd 5% Loan 1911
Price €40.005% Bond of 187,50 Rbl or 500F - Ekaterinoslaw 1911