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Compania Minera "San Carlos" S.A., Real Del Monte, Hidalgo
Price €40.00Certificate of 1 Share of 50$ - Mexico 1908
Imperial Chinese Government. 5% Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank)
Price €600.005% Gold Bond of 20£ - London 1911.
Coutersigned by Hongkong and Shangai Banking Corporation in London.
Rare (2500)
Belgian Congo
SINKAFOR, Société Industrielle Katangaise pour l'Exploitation Forestière de Culture et d'Elevage
Price €15.00Share of 500F - Bukama 1928
Belgian Congo
SINKAFOR, Société Industrielle Katangaise pour l'Exploitation Forestière de Culture et d'Elevage
Price €15.00Dividend share - Bukama 1928
Belgian Congo
Société Anversoise du Commerce au Congo
Price €70.00Tenth of Social part - Mobeka/Anvers 1897
La Valenciana - Ca Cobrera de Teziutlan (Copper Mines)
Price €40.00Share of 100 Ps - Teziutlan (State of Puebla) 1904
Ciudad de Puebla de Zaragoza, Republica Mexicana. 1910
Price €200.00Bond of 100 Pesos, Letter A, 2nd Serie - Puebla de Zaragoza 1910
Republica Mexicana - Estado de Aguascalientes (100$)
Price €100.005% Bond of 100 Pesos (Letter A) - Aguascalientes 1910
Republica Mexicana - Estado de Aguascalientes (500$)
Price €300.005% Bond of 500 Pesos (Letter C) - Aguascalientes 1910
Republica Mexicana - Estado Libre y Soberano de Tamaulipas
Price €120.00Bonos Del Estado de 500 Pesos - Mexico 1907
E Letter 2nd Serie 1906
Belgian Congo
Société de Plantations & d'Elevage du Kivu
Price €85.00Share of 500F - Antwerpen 1927
Belgian Congo
Société Equatoriale Congolaise (Ikelemba)
Price €120.0010th of privileged share of 500F - Anvers 1900