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East Africa
Tanganyika Goldfields, Limited
Price €65.00Share warrant of 25 Shares of 5 Shillings each - London 1929
Siam Thailand
The Gold Fields of Siam Ltd.
Price €120.00Certificate of 50 shares of £1 each - London 1889
S.A. des Etablissements du Val d'Andorre
Price €45.00Certificate of 10 Founder Shares - Paris 1896
East Africa
Tanganyika Concessions Limited
Price €65.00Certificate of 5 shares of 1 shilling 6 pence - London 1919
Siam Thailand
Sté des Mines de Kabin (Royaume de Siam)
Price €75.00Cert. of 25 Founder shares - Paris 1896
Forces Hidroélectriques d'Andorra (FHASA)
Price €45.00Nominative Share of 200 Pesetas Oro - Andorra-La-Vella 1930
East Africa
British East Africa Corporation Ltd. (Kenya)
Price €60.00Cert. for 1150 shares of 10 sh. - London 1919 -
S.A. des Etablissements du Val d'Andorre
Price €50.00Certificate of 5 Founder shares - Paris 1896